I am a native of Manchester, England and attended London Theological Seminary and Tyndale Theological Seminary (M.T.S., M.Div., Ph.D). I am married and the Lord has given us five great kids. I have been a Church-planter, pastor, and a professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics. Also, I was editor of the Conservative Theological Journal.
I am now the President of Telos Theological Ministries and its little school, Telos Biblical Institute, although many things call for my attention. Perhaps one day the Lord will allow me to do it full time? I am also honored to pastor a Bible Church in Northern California.
“Dr Reluctant” is a pseudonym given me by my friends. It relates to the subject of Dispensationalism, of which I am both an adherent and dismayed critic. My consternation arises because of the lackluster attitude of many dispensationalists to develop and improve the system as a system!
I am also quite reserved and prefer not to “seek great things” for myself, so the “reluctant” moniker fits in there as well.
As far as it goes, my contribution is to offer courses, lectures, seminars, and other materials, and to explore a new and very promising avenue of inquiry – the Biblical Covenants. These covenants can be mined via the dispensationalist hermeneutics to produce far more than they have been made to in the past. Enter “Biblical Covenantalism” (a clumsy phrase coined by yours truly). This method contains hermeneutical, theological and worldview truths which, I think, can really give a shot in the arm to contemporary Dispensationalism. The first of my two volume project to write a Biblical Theology of Biblical Covenantalism is called The Words of the Covenant: Old Testament Expectation.
If you like what you read here, visit my YouTube website: Telos Ministries, where I post many lectures on Biblical and Systematic Theology, Apologetics and Worldview, etc. (although my writing of Vol. 2 has interfered with new recordings).
God bless, and thanks for reading.
Your brother,
Paul H.