I have received many inquiries about status of The Words of the Covenant: Volume Two – New Testament Continuation. I am in a position now to give some concrete information.
The book has been edited and the indexes are done. Lord willing, it will be available in (probably) late October. Dr Peter Goeman at Sojourner Press has been working very hard to get the project across the line before the Shepherd’s 360 Conference at Shepherd’s Theological Seminary, Cary, N.C. on the 21st through the 23rd.
The book is divided into eight parts with twenty-one chapters, plus Introduction and three appendices. I have also included an Annotated Bibliography. It’s about the same word count as Volume One, just shy of 600 pages, but the font is much easier to read. Of course, not everyone is going to agree with all my arguments, but that is part of joining the debate. The most important thing to me is not that people agree with me but that they are spurred on to think more deeply about God’s Word – and to believe it!
I first began formulating my ideas about the role of God’s covenants in 2007. That’s a long time ago. This book is the culmination of all the studying and reflecting in the intervening period. I hope to prepare a shorter 300 page summary of the two big books called The Oaths of God once things calm down a bit. I will announce the publication of the book as soon as I know.
Thanks to everyone for their patience.
Paul H.
Note. The cover image is a draft. the final cover will look slightly different.