Here are the 12 video presentations on Apologetics & Worldview: An Introduction I recorded last year before a group of lay Christians who ranged from ages 15 to 70+. I cite quite a few authorities, and I hope to place these in readable form in the future. The average running time for each video is around one hour and thirty minutes.
- The Field of Vision
- The Background of Creation
- The Creator – Creature Distinction
- Dependent Reasoning
- Stressing the Antithesis
- Science and Personal Knowledge
- The Myth of Naturalistic Science
- Scientism and Circularity
- Faith, Reason and Truth
- Preconditions, Facts, and the Historical Christ
- Evidence in Real Time
- Concluding Thoughts – A Cohesive Worldview
I pray that this teaching is a help to many.
8 comments On Now Complete: Twelve Videos on Apologetics & Worldview
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This series of presentations by Dr. Henebury is also available on in both video and audio formats.
The audio recordings can be handy for slow Internet connections or for download for offline listening as the size of audio is dramatically less than video.
I’m sharing this in our round up!
Yikes somehow I forgot to link this to our round up, sorry! Doing it right now
Thanks, but it’s not an issue. 🙂
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Thanks for doing this Paul. I am going to go through this video series with another guy from our church.
It’s good to hear some of the young folks listening!
I truly hope you are both helped by the material.
God bless you brother!